About Guitarrero

Guitarrero Boutique is the project of luthier, artist and musician, Ahmad Naffory. He is a Syrian-Dutch Guitarrero based in Amsterdam, with an atelier in Amstedam West. 

After studying Fine Arts in Damascus University, and Classical Guitar in Beirut Conservatoire, he joined Art and Guitar Playing in one world: guitar making. 

As a guitar player, Ahmad started asking a simple question: what if I could build a guitar that is better than any I have?

During 7 years he worked at La Guitarra Buena, a leading guitar shop in Amsterdam. There, he got the chance to come across many different guitars, which he bought, sold and repaired. 

The challenge of building his own guitar kept coming back, until one day, he just bought some wood, tools and gave it a try.

The guitar he built was immediately sold, and so he built another, and another. Now, he has built over 25 guitars and continues to get regular orders, with a waiting time of up to a year.

After this success, he decided to quit La Guitarra Buena and create his own brand: Guitarrero Boutique. A specialised guitar shop where you can find rare and unique instruments.

With his expertise he can advise and guide you to find the guitar that was meant for you.  

His atelier and shop is located in Amsterdam. You can visit him by booking an appointment, or by dropping in during the opening hours. 


unfinished flamenco guitar, blanca. standing in the atelier of a luthier ahmad naffory,